It’s National Dog Day

It’s National Dog Day and here at The Job Exchange, we love to share our offices with our furry friends. These cuties help us get through the day and bring a smile to everyone they meet.

Six Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day with Your Pooch

  1. Celebrate all the dogs in your area by donating to your local shelter. Most shelters’ websites have a list of their “must haves.” These can be everything from food and treats to paper towels and postage stamps. Monetary donations of any amount are always welcomed. Here is a great place to search for an animal welfare institution near you.

  2. Spoil your dog. This can be anything from taking him on an extra-long walk to tummy rubs and lots of extra praise.

  3. Sign up for an advanced obedience, agility, behavioral or vocational class for you and your pooch. This can even be a refresher course to keep your canine’s behavior around people and other dogs consistent. An agility course can be a fun way to spend time with your dog, and it’s great exercise, too.

  4. Play puzzle games with your dog. Stretch your dog’s mental capabilities by teaching him a new game.

  5. If you have kids or you’re a kid at heart this is a great day to snap fun pictures of your kids, you and your dog to post on your favorite social media sites.

  6. According to Dr. Todd-Jenkins at, the best gift you can give your dog on National Dog Day or any day is some extra cuddles. It will benefit you and show him how much you really care.



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